Monday 7 October 2013



The setting in this short film was indoors in the corridors and in an office. The use of the office gives it a business feel with the desk, money and paperwork. The costume and props also give this a business look with the hat, money and briefcase to connote wealth. The phone is also an important prop because we see the deal being made and who the dealer is on the phone contacts and later see the same name on the door which helps tell the audience where they are, I think this was successful. The expression on the business man's face is always very serious which shows the deal they are doing is very serious business.


The lighting was very important when it came to the office, for the security camera we used black and white colours so you know you are looking through the security camera and give it a CCTV look. Most of the lighting was artificial lighting inside and also ambient lighting outside.

    High/Low Camera Angles:

We used a high camera angle in the office on the CCTV because it makes it look and feel more real as if the security camera is hanging in the corner of the ceiling. We also used it because we wanted an establishing shot of the entire room. We also used a slight low angle when we see the confusion on the Business mans face so the audience can see his eyes under his hat.
We didn't use many high or low angles because we didn't want the characters to come across as weak or strong.


         Different shot distances:

We used quite a few long and close shots. We used a long shot when the video starts so you know the setting straight away and also see the character fully. We used another long shot in the office room through the CCTV because the character enters a new room, so the audience will know where they are now by seeing the entire room. We also used lots of close ups and extreme close ups, for example when the business man checks his phone there is an extreme close up of the contact he is about to call. We also used close ups when the Business man opens the door to the office and shakes the dealers hand to show the activity close up they are doing with their hands. The close up of opening the door slowly could also create tension. We then used a close up of the characters face to show his confused expression of the ticking noise in his briefcase. Lastly we used a close up of the briefcase to show the importance of it and also create tension when he opens the briefcase to find out what the ticking noise is.


                                                              Camera Movement:

We used lots of camera movement in our video, more than we were actually meant to. We used quite a few pans following the character around the corners. We used a pan when the character was coming around the corridor and kept walking. This didn't work too well because while he is walks down the corridor in the next shot he suddenly appears at a door and may confuse the audience. It would have worked better if we didn't have the pan there and just got a shot of the character walking off the shot. We also used a pan when turned a corner and left the building. This worked because it makes the audience feel like they are following him around the corner to the new location.


                                                          Fades or Dissolves:

After the title of the video we used a fade out to the Business man walking and then a fade in at the end when the Business man opens the briefcase and when it fades in there is an explosion. I think the ending worked very well when it fades in to black and all we hear is an explosion. So the audience know what has happened.


                                   The Continuity System:                           

We used the 180 Degree rule in the office with the security camera being on the left and when the two characters start having a conversation the camera is always on the left side of the room when it changes the over the shoulder view.
We used an establishing at the begging of the video so the audience know where they are straight away. We also used an establishing shot in the office to show where they are now and show the entire room.
We also used some match cuts on action in the office room when we saw the characters about to go in for a handshake through the CCTV then it changes to a close up of the two actually shaking hands. This was one of our best match cuts on action. We also used a match cuts on action when the Business man was at the office door and about to open the door then changes to a close up of him pulling the handle down and walking in.
We used one eye line match towards the end of the video where the business man is a outside and hears the mysterious ticking noise. He looks down then the camera changes to the briefcase which he is looking at. I think this worked well because the audience will also be guessing where the noise is coming from while he looks around. Then audience find out what it is when it changes shot to what the character is looking at.
We then used one POV (Point of View) shot at the start when the character is walking along the corridor and looks down taking his phone out of his pocket and starts to bring it into shot.
Lastly we used a shot-reverse shot when both character have a conversation and reverses to the other shoulder of the character not speaking. This is to show the characters face and gestures from the shoulder of the characters.

What I've Learnt

For shooting I've learnt about the 180 degree rule, to keep all your shots on one side so it doesn't confuse the audience making the characters look like they've flipped. I've also learnt to use a tripod more because our shots were just a little bit shaky at times due to not using one ;) I've learnt what different shot distances and angles connote. For editing I've learnt about to fade in and out and add effects to a shot like the CCTV footage on our video. I've also learnt how to cut videos down and add sound to a video.

1 comment:

  1. Ed,

    This is a really articulate post that shows a solid understanding of the terms covered so far. You could revisit this and define the terms before you apply them to your video but overall, this is very promising.

    Well dine,
