Thursday 13 March 2014

My documentary idea

Proposal: Individual Idea

A Man's Best Friend

The concept of my documentary idea is going to be about dogs' lives showing them doing activities and why people like/want a dog as a pet. I will have interviews with dog owners with their dogs and show them playing with their owners and having a fun. 

My documentary format will be a mix of interactive and observational. It will be interactive because I will use interviews by asking dog owners some questions. It will also be observational because I will show shots of dog owners and their dog together and the camera will follow the dogs around.The genre for my documentary will be a special interest documentary.

For my target audience I will focus more on the psycho graphics rather than the demographics. For this reason I will focus on peoples interests and my target audience will be anyone who is an owner of a dog. The 3MW slot on Channel 4 is in peak time and needs therefore attract a wide demographic.

The aim of creating my documentary will be to show the importance of dogs in peoples lives and show the positives of dogs and reasons why people own them.

I won't have to travel anywhere because the location where I will be filming my entire documentary will be in my local village at the playing field where owners take their dogs. I will also film in my home and maybe other peoples home if they own a dog and I get permission from them.

For my production I won't need many crew members to help me with production at all. I might need at least one cameraman to help out during filming for some parts and I can easily find someone to help me film.


Can you introduce your dog to us?

What made you want to get a dog?

What do you love about your dog?

What difference has having a dog made in your life?

All the equipment needed for to create my documentary is already available to me. I own a HD video camera and a tripod to make my documentary look as professional as possible. I will also use a steady cam provided by the college to help keep the camera still and steady when following dogs around. The tripod will also help when recording interviews and dogs in my documentary doing various activities. Costumes isn't important in my documentary because it focuses on the dogs. I don't think I will need to buy any props, the prop I may need is some dog toys but I expect dog owners to own some.


To clarify about the style and mood of the documentary I'm hoping that it will be a quirky, amusing piece that will make people smile.

I'm going to aim for 6 dogs and owners interviews and my teacher who also lives in my village and will also try and set some up for me.