Tuesday 22 October 2013

DepicT Idea:

Human Planet.

My Depict short film is a bit like the animal documentaries on TV where a voice over talks about what the animals are doing. My short film idea is like this but switched around, instead humans get narrated about what they are doing in their life but still like an animal documentary.

Shot 1 - Establishing shot of house with person leaving the home.
      (Voice over: Ah, as you can see this rare wild human has finally left its home, probably going hunting for prey.)

Shot 2 - Person walking down street.
      (Now, as you can see this extraordinary predator is very light on its feet. Just look at the way it walks. You wouldn't want to cross one of these humans while they're hungry. 

Shot 3 - Person enters shop.
    (He's crossed a whole road to get here...it's time to eat)

Shot 4 - mid shot looking around.
     (The human is analysing its surrounding and the prey around him. The human needs to decide quickly who his food target will be.  

Shot 5 - Close up of eyes. 
   (Finally the human has its quarry in its sight..The hunt is on.)
Shot 6 - Long shot. Person runs towards the chocolate bars.
    (Magnificent, he attacks, just look at the speed and power of this human, charging for it's prey. The chocolate bar doesn't stand a chance at all! 

Shot 7 - Close up. Hand grips around the chocolate bar and picks it up. 
    (My god, I didn't think we would see this human in action! Just look at the strength of that grip wrap around it. This is so the humans prey cannot escape. That chocolate bar isn't going anywhere.

Shot - Same shot in slow motion.
     (We need to see this one more time! That chocolate bar didn't see it coming, probably killed in an instant.) 

Shot 8 - Mid shot. Person takes chocolate bar to counter. 
     (Oh, it seems another human has challenged the other human for the food. The human could be in his feeding ground. 

Shot 9 - Over the shoulder. Person puts food on counter, other human looks at it.
    (It looks like the human is using it's visual senses and analysing the other humans catch of the day.) 

Shot 10 - Close up of person taking money from pocket.
     (What have we here! It looks like the human is offering something to keep the prey he caught.)

Shot 11 - Close up of other persons face.
    (If the leader of this territory does not accept the offer the other human could be killed, as you can see his eye slight sharpen. 

Shot 12 - Mid shot from side of both people. Person takes money. 
    (The human leader has accepted the other humans offer! He can now be on his way back to his home.

Shot 13 - Person leaves the shop. 
Shot 14 - Match on action. Pulls out chocolate bar.

Shot 15 -  Close up. Rips off wrapper.
    (Look at the power from the animal! Ripping the skin of its prey with such ease!)

Shot 16 - Person takes a bite from chocolate bar.
    (Now this....this shows us exactly why humans are top of the food chain and feared across the world. With one bite of its razor sharp teeth, he tears the chocolate bars head clean off!)

Shot 17 - Mid Shot. Match of action. Throws the remains on the floor.
     (This deadly predator has finished his meal of the night.)

Shot 18 - Close up of chocolate bar remains hitting the floor.

Shot 19 - Long shot - person walks away.
      (The human has had a good hunt this evening, he can now go back to his home and rest...until tomorrow when he must hunt once again..)

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