Friday 18 October 2013

DipicT Analyses

The two DipicT video entries I have chosen to analyse are Cool Unicorns Bruv and Sun.


Narrative Structure 

Cool Unicorn Bruv is created by Ninian Doff. The narrative structure of this video starts off with two guys with one guy trying to sell a bike to the other, this looks normal and nothing out of the ordinary to the audience. Then suddenly changes when a unicorn is brought into the scene, this is the agent of change when they encounter the unicorn. The video went from something which looks like reality to surreal and different. This adds to the comedy of the video by bringing in a unicorn and characters not phased or that bothered by the unicorn and just talk about it as if it's an everyday thing. The character with the unicorn then explains about what the unicorn can do and shows how much better the unicorn is to the bike to the character that was going to buy the bike. It's unclear who the hero or main protagonist is because they are all on screen for about the same time and had the amount of dialogue. The closure of the video ends with the unicorn walking away and the character selling the bike asking the other character if he still wants the bike. He says "nah" walks off screen and the video ends.


The setting of the video is set what looks like a city with the characters at the corner of an old building. The setting has an old, city look to it with a colour pallet of grey, brown and black. The lighting of the video is all ambient lighting from the sun to make the video look more realistic and natural. The costume of the characters are all natural and casual, everyday clothes. This also adds to the realism of the videos. The characters are also wearing coats, jumpers and a beanie hat which tells the audience it's the winter.


The video opens with an establishing shot as the first shot to give the audience an idea where the location is set. This helps the audience get an idea where the characters are and helps identify the characters with a whole shot of them both. There is a close up at the end of the video when the unicorn walks away and the character in the beanie says "prick". This show the characters emotion close up and helps the audience understand how he is feeling. There is a long shot of a new character and unicorn walking on screen. This helps identify the character and gives the audience an impression of him by seeing the whole character.
There is also a slight panning shot when the character with the bike walks up. This puts that character in the centre of the camera so the audience know that he is the new focus.


The video Cool Unicorn Bruv used a number of edits from the continuity system. The video begins with an establishing shot as the first shot, this helps the audience get an idea where the characters are and helps identify the characters with a whole shot of them both. There is also an eye-line match when both characters look up from the bike and look off screen which then changes to a unicorn so the audience know what the characters are now focusing on. The video uses a fade in transition at the beginning to tell the audience it's the opening of the video.


Cool Unicorn Bruv helps the audience identify the characters by using a number of different types of shots. There is a reaction shot of both the characters at the bike when the guy tells them it's a unicorn and a point of view shot of one of the characters looking up at the unicorn walking their way. This is used help the audience understand the characters and puts the audience in the characters eyes as if they're there and helps identify the character.


The video uses dialogue to help the audience understand the narrative and what's going on and adds to the comedy of the video "Does it grant wishes?" "Does it grant wishes man, it's a unicorn.". There is sounds effects of the bike bell and the unicorns hoofs walking. There is also Asynchronous sound of traffic going past, car horns and people talking in the background. This is also diegetic sound within the scene from the bike bell. This helps create the world of the film and helps tell the setting.


The second video I have chosen to analysis is Sun by Paul Hill.

Narrative Structure

The animations main hero/protagonist is the small stick man. The stick man lives a normal life until it encounters the agent of change being the sun chasing it. The stick mans quest to try to run and hide from the sun. The video ends with the stick man escaping the sun by jumping off the edge of the world while the sun can't get through and gets taking over by the moon and the film ends.


The lighting is very bright to show how boiling hot the day is and how bright the sun is. Sun also uses shadows in a very interesting and comical way by hiding the stick man in the shadows while the sun is trying to find him by changing direction of the shadow. The setting looks like it is set in a desert, the audience get this idea from the sun giving out lots of heat from the heat waves. The colour of the video is over powered by yellow and orange which connotes heat, making the video look hot. There is also the colour black used at the beginning and end of the video which connotes night and cold. The trees disintegrating,water evaporating and the floor getting caught on fire by the sun empathizes just how hot the sun is.


The whole video is shot in one continuous shot, a long wide shot so the audience can see everything that is going on in the video. There us a lot of tracking from left and right, following the suns journey and helps the audience through the video.


Sun opens with a fade in from black which tells the audience it's the beginning of the video. There wasn't much editing in this video because it's an animation and uses one continues shot throughout the video to create suspense.


Sun uses the same soundtrack throughout the video. The music is parallel because it fits well with the sun moving across the scene trying to find the stick man. When the sun gets faster chasing the stick man the music gets much faster. This creates excitement and suspense for the audience watching to see if the sun catches up with the stick man. The music also adds to the comedy. The moon and the calm and relaxing music at the start is also parallel because it's at night which is calm and quiet. The music suddenly changes when the sun knocks the moon out the way to a more upbeat, faster music which links to the sun being alive and moving about.

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