Monday 9 June 2014

Careers Booklet

Task 1:

I.T Skills - 
Made my own website
Doing Game Design at college
Done I.T at school and always worked on computers so I know how to use programs such as microsoft word, spreadsheet, powerpoint etc and adobe programs like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premiere Pro.

Teamwork - 
Worked in a production team at college to create different short films
In school I worked in a group to promote and advertise healthy eating in different ways. 

Creativity - 
Created my own map for a game using 3D models with programs 3D Max and UDK Editor.
Making short films and coming up with ideas, how you want it to look. 
Created my own screenplays for stories in film studies

Action Planning -
Planning where I am with English Literature and what I need to get where I want to be.
Creating my game map in Game Design and planning out how I'm going to do it.
Brut Advert, planning out what we want and how we're going to do it and working out times.

Task 2:

Part time - A form of employment which carries fewer hours per week than a full time job. Usually considered part time if workers work fewer than 30 or 35 hours per week.

Full time - Employment in which a person works a minimum number of hours decided by their employer. Full time employment often comes with benefits that part time usually doesn't, such as annual leave, sickleave and health insurance.

GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education. Grading = A*, A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

AS, A Level - General Certificate of Education Advanced Level. Generally
studies over 2 years and split into two parts - First part - AS. Second part - A2. Used to get into university.

Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 - Level 2 = GCSE,
Level 3= AS/A levels,
Level 4= BTEC Diplomas

Pass, Merit & Distinction in the BTEC Nationals - 
Level 2 = C, B, A. 
Level 3 = E, C, A. 
Level 4= M, D, D*

Vocational - Taught skills needed to perform a particular job. Education that prepares people for specific trade, craft and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft, a technician or professional position in engineering, nursing, law etc. An occupation a person is specifically drawn or which they are suited, trained or qualified. It is not further education.  

Bachelor of - Bachelor's Degree = High education qualifications that help you develop a thorough understanding of a subject. It usually takes 3 or 4 years. You can study for a Bachelor degree at universities and high educational colleges.

Masters of - Masters Degree = An academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high order overview of a specific field of study. The degree is awarded upon graduation from university.

Graduate - When you get a degree, Undergraduate - Not yet taken a degree, Postgraduate - Learning or studying for a degree/high qualification.

Task 3:

Camera Operator -

A Camera Operator is responsible for all aspects of camera preparation and operation. They support the Director of Photography and the Director with shot composition and development of productions by accurately carrying out their instructions. 

To do this role you will need:

To be creative and artistic ability 

Have strong understanding with technology, knowledge of relevant electronics and an in depth knowledge of the principles of camera work. 

  • Good  communication skills

  • Work well in a team 

  • Have good IT skills

  • Physical stamina for working long hours and carrying around heavy equipment.

Visual Effects Artist -

Responsible for much of the pre production work. They create mechanical, optical and computer generated illusions. Making movies more exciting and in some cases more believeable.Visual effects Artist are continuing to become more specialized as the film and television industries embrace the newest in technology.

To do this role you will need:

  • Be able to work long hours

  • To be creative

  • Patience as there will be lots of trial and error

  • Current knowledge of 2D and 3D computer graphics techniques.

  • Skill and training in software graphics programs.

Director -

The Director's main role is to and responsible for creatively translating the film's written script into actual images and sounds on screen. They also manage the technical aspects of filming including camera, lighting, sound, design and special effects department.

To do this role you will need:

  • Artistic and creative skills

  • To be committed

  • Leadership and interpersonal skills

  • To make decisions

  • To inspire and motivate a team

  • Work intensively for long hours

  • Excellent computer or technology skills

Task 4:

National Press - Newspapers which advertise jobs e.g.The Sun, The Guardian, The Telegraph etc.

Trade Press - A release of publications that market a product or a service. It gives more insight into an industry or service provider and trade press is a vital tool in marketing. Trade Press can take the form of magazines. E.g. Engineering Today Magazine - Technology, business and innovation news. MovieMaker Magazines - Guide to Independent film and film making from around the world etc. 

Internet - Job centre, Online Newspapers e.g. The Sun has an employment section - where you can search, find a job and apply. 

Trade Fair - Conventions/Gathering, e,g Gaming Conventions - Gamescom, Eurogamer, E3, film festivals - The Festival of Fantastic Films. etc.

Word of mouth - passing of information from person to person. such as talking about a job that is looking for employment. 

Internal Promotion - "Go up in the world" Start from the bottom and gradually get higher (promotions) in a job. For example, starting at the bottom as a Runner in film production and going up the ranks to Senior Special Effects Artist etc. 

Task 5:

Task 6:

Portfolio/e-portfolio - Collection of your best work with your CV.

Showreel - A video about 90 seconds to 2.30minutes long showing off your best work. 

Personal Website - A website you created with all your work on it. Such as my Blog on Blogger with all my media on it.

Task 7

Interviewing Skills - Body language, Timing - don't be late try and get to the interview 5 minutes early, don't swear, formal speaking, maintain focus and don't drag on when answering questions about nonsense, think about why the interviewer is asking that question and what they want to know about you. Just mention your achievements and skills.

Presentation Skills - Communication, smile, speak clearly, keep your head up and a firm handshake. 


Linguistic Codes - Language, how you answer questions, think about what the interviewer says. 

Dress Code - Dress smartly - Nice dress, shirt,trousers, jeans. Only wear a suit for certain jobs such as Lawyer, manager, teacher etc. 

Interpersonal skills - Communicate well think about what you say and how you say it, ask questions when possible, use body language when talking, listen carefully to what the employer is saying. Employers often seek to hire staff with 'strong interpersonal skills', they want people who will work well in a team and be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, customers and clients.

References - Almost always an employer will ask you to give them names and contact details of people who can give you references. Just to check that you have worked where you said you did and really are a good employee.  

Task 8:

On the Job Training - Employee training at a place of work while he or she is doing an actual job. One of one training where someone (Professional Trainer or Experienced Employee) Serves as the course instructor who knows how to do the job and shows another how to perform it. 

Continuing Professional Development - The means by which people maintain their knowledge and skills related to their professional lives. The process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain as you work. 

Self-Training - People train themselves in the job they are in. 

Sources of Information:

Trade Unions - An organized association of workers in trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. Such as achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increase the number of employees an employer assigns to complete the work, safety standards and better working conditions.

Sector Skills Council (SSCs) - Are state-sponsored, employer-led organisations that cover specific economic sectors in the United Kingdom. There main gains are:
To reduce skills gaps and shortages
To improve productivity
To Boost the skills of their sector workforces
To Improve learning supply
Sector Skill Council examples:- - Audio Visual Industries, - Responsibility: IT, Telecoms & Contact Centers, - Responsibility: Passanger Transport

Careers Services - A service at colleges and universities that helps students, faculty and staff prepare for successful careers. Connects employers with outstanding student employees. Career Services are for students.  

Task 9:

Game Design -

Created presentation and communicating information to my class and answering questions at the end.
Writing Evaluations
Keeping and up to date diary about what i'm doing and how I did it.

Calculate the measurements of objects and then decide the size I want them to be in my game to fit reality.
Using programs such as 3D Max and working with angles, measurements and shapes.

Always working on computer using different programs such as photoshop, 3D max, UDK and most microsoft programs.

Media TV and Film -

Analysis and evaluate my projects
Communicate in a team and listening

Create surveys with percentages and pie charts.
If there is a time limit on a film project need to decide on the length of each shot

Editing projects on premier pro, created my own blog.

Film Studies

Write long and creative essays

Used programs such as Microsoft Word to type up my essays


  1. Ed,

    This is a solid first draft which you have presented really well. I have awarded a pass for this as you have defined the terms but to get a merit you need to include your CV electronically and add specific examples for methods of recruitment and sources of information (national press section and sector skills council section).

    Well done Ed.


  2. Ed,
    This is still a little brief in places but you've just don't enough to get a merit (just). Next year remember 'specific details!'

